Toen ik na de vakantie bij Jules startte zat ik vooral heel erg met mezelf in de knoop. Ik was altijd maar bezig met hoe de buitenwereld over mij dacht en cijferde
Eens zat ik vast in een leven dat draaide om werk. Mijn focus was volledig gericht op presteren, waardoor ik mezelf verwaarloosde en weinig tijd had voor andere belangrijke aspecten van het
Na veel afvalpogingen, en het ene dieet na het andere kwam ik via een vriendin bij Jules terecht. Meteen tijdens het intakegesprek was het raak. Jules legde meteen de vinger op de
Clifford Derks
06:47 14 Jun 23
I think you're a great guy! You are concerned and do not give up even though you know that our cooperation is coming to an end. Cool guy you are!
Rosa van Dijk
06:02 03 Jun 23
I contacted Jules because I wasn't feeling well. I wanted to feel energized again, in my body and in my mind. Jules taught me how to reflect on my own behavior and habits and how I can achieve my goals on a personal and professional level with small adjustments in my mindset and behavior. With the help of Jules I now feel more confident, energized and healthier.
Mark Jansen
07:07 06 May 23
Sat around the table with Jules all year, came in for weight loss. I went out with a completely different mindset, learned a lot about and from myself and I am sure that after the past year I have become a stronger person.
Tim In het Panhuis
15:44 03 May 23
I have experienced the process that I have had with Jules as pleasant. It seems a bit like Jules simplifies everything very easily. In this way everything becomes clear and problems turn into solutions.
Rob V Wandelen
17:42 25 Apr 23
Jules is a top coach. He lets you determine your own path and if things go against you, he also leaves you the space to choose the right path for yourself. He does give you good advice in the right direction, but lets you discover which direction you want to go.
kelly vogels
20:39 04 Apr 23
Jules is a very nice coach! Someone who genuinely wants to help you, who can hold up a mirror with a dose of humor, and who motivates you by being your personal cheerleader, but who is also a listening ear in peace. He is always there for you, you can always send him a message for help or advice. A topper! Would recommend him to anyone. 👏🏼
Jules steegh - All rights reserved